natural remedy for a cold

No matter the season, a cold can sneak up on you and leave you feeling miserable. However, if you’re willing to do some research, there are several natural remedies that may help relieve some of your symptoms.

Staying hydrated is essential for combatting congestion and mucus buildup. Hydrate with plenty of water, juice, clear broth or warm lemon water with honey.


Garlic is an effective natural remedy that can help combat cold symptoms and strengthen your immunity. Additionally, it soothes coughs and sore throats.

If you’re feeling under the weather, try making some garlic soup or hot cups of tea – they are both quick and simple to prepare.

Garlic, in addition to being an excellent source of vitamin C, also possesses antibacterial and antiviral properties that may help combat colds or flus.

One study found that those taking garlic supplements were 63% less likely to get a cold. However, further investigation is necessary to verify this effect.

Research suggests garlic may help prevent colds, though more studies are needed to confirm its effectiveness. As always, consult your doctor before trying any home remedies for a cold.


Menthol, a naturally occurring chemical found in peppermint and spearmint plants, has long been used as an herbal remedy to help clear sinuses and open congested airways during a cold.

Applying it topically can be an effective pain reliever, relieving muscles and decreasing inflammation.

Additionally, it can be taken orally in a capsule or tincture to alleviate digestive issues like gas and bloating. Studies have even demonstrated that taking this supplement helps boost energy levels by relieving stress and improving breathing.

This ingredient can be found in various vapor rubs, cough drops and nasal sprays. It has antibacterial and pain relieving effects and has been used to treat various conditions like allergies or colds.

Red Clover

Red clover can be utilized in several ways to help treat colds. It may be taken as a tea, powdered or made into tincture form for stronger herbal medicines.

Red Clover is a legume, meaning it contains high levels of protein (including all amino acids) and essential minerals such as calcium, magnesium, iron and vitamin C. Furthermore, it acts as an anti-inflammatory and has mild diuretic properties.

Additionally, it helps regulate hormone levels and is beneficial for menopausal women. Furthermore, its antioxidant properties could potentially prevent diabetes and cancer.

As with all herbs, it’s best to consult your healthcare provider prior to consuming any herbal remedy or natural product. The dosage for red clover should be determined based on your age, weight and overall wellbeing.


Spearmint is an herb that can help relieve symptoms such as nausea, indigestion, gas and cramps. It may also be applied topically to reduce swelling caused by nerve pain or muscle aches.

Spearmint has antioxidants which have been known to improve memory and sleep. Furthermore, spearmint helps reduce stress, relieve anxiety and depression as well as aid with digestion.

A 2013 study demonstrated that essential oils of peppermint and spearmint may reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy treatment. Furthermore, these oils could be beneficial to those suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome.

Make spearmint tea: Add a teaspoon of spearmint leaves and some water to a cup. Allow it to steep for several minutes, then stir thoroughly. You can serve this tea warm or cold depending on your preference.