natural remedy for acne scars

ACV is an all-natural exfoliant that can lighten hyperpigmentation and acne scarring. Simply combine equal parts water and apple cider vinegar in a bowl, dip cotton balls into it and dab on your face; once finished rinse off with cool water.

Nigella sativa oil, more commonly known as black seed oil, boasts antioxidant properties. Apply some to your skin nightly before sleeping for maximum benefit.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar’s antibacterial properties can help control acne and blemishes by balancing skin’s pH levels, as well as providing components like lactic acid and succinic acid that kill Cutibacterium acnes, the bacteria responsible for pimples and scarring.

Apple cider vinegar should be applied twice weekly as a solution to reduce scarring, however you should perform a patch test first to see if it will work on your skin.

Make an ACV/aloe vera mask to lighten dark marks caused by acne. Leave this mixture on for 10 minutes each time, three times daily.

Cucumber Water

Cucumbers contain 96% water and are packed with essential nutrients that nourish skin cells while also fighting against inflammation and free radical damage to the skin. They even contain antioxidants which fight free radicals which could potentially harm them!

Start each morning off right by drinking cucumber juice on an empty stomach. Combine it with turmeric powder to create a paste, and apply it directly to your face for 15 minutes before washing off with warm water after 15 minutes.

Create a natural toner by mixing equal parts of rosewater, lemon juice and cucumber juice. Apply this solution using cotton balls as part of your skincare routine – this will lighten scars while brightening up complexion and getting rid of acne scars while improving elasticity in skin.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is an easy DIY solution for relieving pimples. Unfortunately, however, its harsh chemicals may irritate and dry out your skin and even lead to further breakouts.

Nussbaum advises that its alkaline pH level disrupts your natural oil balance, leaving skin dry and irritated. Furthermore, this cleanser strips your skin of its protective barrier, potentially aggravating existing acne scarring as a result.

Instead, raw lemon juice can help fade dark marks and pigmentation. Mix some raw lemon juice with Manuka honey to form a facial mask; apply daily on affected areas.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is an effective natural treatment for acne scars, helping speed the skin’s recovery while decreasing marks by decreasing inflammation.

Probiotics promote collagen production, helping to fill in pitted scars and lighten hyperpigmentation associated with severe or cystic acne.

Apply aloe vera directly onto the affected areas after cleansing your face, using either pure gel from a store or products with aloe vera in them (e.g. a moisturizing cream) for maximum effectiveness. For optimal results, repeat this remedy every day for one or two weeks for maximum improvement.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice contains bleaching properties and Vitamin C which lighten scars and brighten skin, as well as an enzyme which prevents overproduction of melanin, the substance responsible for darkening of skin pigmentation that exacerbates red or brown acne marks.

Noticing the acidity in lemon juice can irritate and peel your skin if you have sensitive complexions, so using it only as an astringent or spot treatment on mild acne should be done at most; always moisturize afterwards!

To use it as an astringent, slice a lemon and extract its juice, using cotton balls soaked in the solution to apply to any emerging pimples (it will sting for a moment before being applied), before following up with non-comedogenic moisturizers.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a fantastic moisturizer, capable of treating acne scars effectively. Packed with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory lauric acid, it also accelerates healing processes by improving collagen production while stimulating its healing processes.

However, it is important to remember that coconut oil can be comedogenic, meaning it clogs pores and leads to breakouts if used on oily skin. Therefore, it would be prudent for those with oily skin types to stay away from this option.

Mix lemon juice and honey to form a paste and apply it on acne scars, leaving it on for one or two minutes before washing off and repeating this twice daily. Honey has natural bleaching properties which may help lighten scars.