Bags under the eyes are not always a pretty sight. Unfortunately, they can develop due to aging of skin and tissues, leading to an unpleasant sight.
If you’re dealing with bags under your eyes, there are a few easy home remedies that can help alleviate them quickly. But if the bags persist, visiting your doctor for an accurate diagnosis is recommended.
Cold Steel teaspoons
If you’re struggling with recurring bags under your eyes, try exploring natural remedies in your kitchen for relief. This common issue occurs when skin relaxes and sags, leading to excess fluid buildup beneath the eye.
If the cause of your bags is dehydration or fluid retention, increasing water intake can help prevent them from occurring. Furthermore, cutting back on salt and alcohol consumption will dilated facial capillaries that lead to puffiness and bags under the eyes.
Board-certified dermatologist Shereene Idriss recommends that those suffering from more persistent under-eye bags use retinol, peptides and vitamin C to strengthen the skin’s collagen. She says this makes it stronger and thicker as well as less vulnerable to herniation of the fat pad beneath your eyes; however, she emphasizes the need for finding a formula specifically made for sensitive skin beneath the eyes.
Baking soda
Baking soda is an ingredient often kept in our kitchen to help with baking, to neutralize odors and to clean the sink. But did you know? Baking soda also has medicinal benefits that may not be obvious at first glance: it can treat various health issues!
It can also be used to treat allergies, which is often responsible for dark circles and bags under the eyes. Furthermore, it acts as a vasoconstrictor which reduces puffiness and swelling around the eye area.
Beauty blogger Darshika Patel recommends creating a “runny paste” with one to two teaspoons of baking soda mixed with water. She then uses it to gently rub the substance under her eyes without rubbing it into the skin.
Coffee contains caffeine which helps constrict blood vessels to reduce puffiness and darkening of the skin. Furthermore, coffee has anti-inflammatory properties as well as being packed full of antioxidants.
To prevent eye bags, get enough sleep and reduce stress levels. Dehydration can also exacerbate the issue, so ensure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your eyes hydrated.
A cold compress can also help reduce bags under eyes. Place some chilled slices of cucumber or a refrigerated spoon over your eyes to reduce inflammation and minimize their appearance.
Jade rollers can also be used to massage the area and reduce puffiness. However, if the puffiness is due to edema or aging, more invasive treatments such as fillers and eyelid surgery may be required to reduce the bags beneath your eyes.
Black pepper
Black pepper can help reduce the appearance of bags under eyes by stimulating circulation to your eye area. This is because black pepper contains piperine, an antioxidant which protects the retina from damage and improves blood flow to your eyes.
Black pepper not only benefits eye health, but it can also improve vision. Furthermore, its anti-inflammatory properties help relieve puffy eyes.
Another way to reduce eye puffiness is by drinking green tea. Not only does it rejuvenate the skin, but it’s also great for relieving swelling as well.
Egg whites can also be beneficial when applied to the under-eye area. Their skin-tightening properties help combat dark circles and wrinkles by effectively diminishing them.
Coconut oil
If you’re struggling with bags under your eyes and searching for a natural remedy, coconut oil could be just what the doctor ordered. Its high Vitamin E and antioxidant content helps repair damaged skin cells while diminishing dark circles.
Additionally, it hydrates and moisturizes the delicate skin around the eyes, which is often prone to ageing.
Coconut oil’s fatty acids can stimulate circulation under the eye and reduce inflammation, helping to diminish dark circles. Furthermore, it promotes cell turnover and strengthens skin tissue by thickening it.