Though there is no cure for canker sores, treatments exist to ease discomfort and speed healing. Most options focus on relieving symptoms rather than changing what caused the ulcers in the first place.

Home remedies such as salt water rinses, sage mouthwash and probiotic yogurt may provide effective home solutions. You could also try sucking on zinc gluconate lozenges or alum powder as part of your regimen.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar contains acid that kills bacteria that irritate sores, helping relieve pain and speed healing in some people but worsening symptoms for others. Many sources recommend applying ACV directly to sores with cotton swabs; however, using too much could damage tooth enamel and should only be done under careful consideration.

Rinsing with salt water can help dry out sores and reduce inflammation. To create the rinse, dissolve one teaspoon of salt in half a cup of warm water, swirl around your mouth for 30 seconds and spit then rinse out before repeating daily.

Echinacea can strengthen your immune system and speed the healing of mouth sores. Echinacea lozenges can be found at most pharmacies; simply dissolve one in your mouth for use.

Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide acts like an antiseptic mouthwash in small doses. Create a 3 percent solution of it with water and apply using cotton swabs several times daily on canker sores with cotton buds; you may experience slight discomfort; however, over time the sores will disappear completely.

Milk of magnesia works just like salt to neutralize the acids that contribute to canker sores, so dabbing the affected area with cotton pads soaked with milk of magnesia several times daily should help.

Probiotic yogurt contains healthy bacteria to replenish your mouth’s flora, and may help reduce canker sore frequency. Opting for non-flavored, plain yogurt to avoid extra sugars that could trigger sores is best. Alum powder also has antimicrobial and drying properties which work on canker sores – just add a pinch to water and use as you would zit cream – simply swish around in your mouth three times daily to benefit.

Milk of Magnesia

Milk of magnesia is an age-old remedy for soothing canker sores in the mouth and blocking ulcerations with magnesium hydroxide solution, such as milk of magnesia. This magnesium hydroxide solution interacts with salivary phosphates to coat mucous membranes to stop irritation from getting in through ulcerations sites and cause more pain. Apply the cream topically using cotton swabs three times daily.

As alternative natural treatments, try applying a wet tea bag (chamomile, herbal or green) directly onto the sore for several minutes. Zinc lozenges contain antiseptic properties which may provide some pain relief. Another approach may involve using hydrogen peroxide with baking soda to restore pH balance in your mouth and reduce inflammation; or chew on deglycyrrhizinated licorice tablets which coat ulcerations areas to coat and soothe pain relief.

Alum Powder

Alum powder’s astringent properties make it an effective treatment to relieve canker sore pain. Simply mix a small amount with some water and dab it onto any canker sore. Allow it to sit there for one minute before rinsing your mouth thoroughly with fresh water, taking care to spit out rather than swallow any residue of alum powder from dabbing the sore itself. You may repeat this treatment as often as necessary until pain and discomfort have subsided.

Yogurt contains live cultures which can combat H pylori bacteria linked to canker sores, as well as being packed full of vitamin B-12, folic acid and iron – plus it may even help stave off canker sores! However, try to limit consumption of foods which could trigger canker sores like strawberries, nuts, cheese or coffee that could potentially trigger it all.

Salt Water

Salt’s astringent properties help shrink mouth tissues and dry out sores faster, speeding up healing time. Combine one teaspoon of salt with water in a glass, swish around for 30 seconds inside your mouth before spitting out; repeat this treatment several times daily until sores heal completely.

Milk of Magnesia is an osmotic laxative, designed to eliminate acid from the mouth and relieve pain while sores heal. Apply a small amount with cotton swabs at various points throughout the day for best results.

Baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) can provide another simple and straightforward home remedy to soothe mouth ulcers. Simply mix some baking soda with some water to create a paste and apply directly on sores in your mouth. In addition, try rinsing several times daily with 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide to rid yourself of bacteria which could exacerbate ulcers further.