natural remedy for chapped lips

Natural remedies for chapped lips include ingredients like rose petals, milk, and coconut oil that provide essential hydration for cracked lips to stay moist and prevent further cracking and peeling.

Petroleum jelly (commonly referred to as Vaseline) helps hydrate skin and protect it against cracking. Apply several times throughout the day on lips for best results.

Aloe vera

Your lips differ from other parts of the body in that they only contain three delicate translucent layers, making them more susceptible to dryness and cracking, especially during the winter. Luckily, there are numerous natural remedies available for chapped lips to keep them soft and moisturized.

Aloe vera gel or juice can provide relief to dry lips by soothing irritation. You can purchase pure aloe vera products online or make it from fresh leaves yourself; each leaf’s thick liquid holds rich nutrients such as essential fatty acids and amino acids that nourish and moisturize the skin.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is an all-natural emollient that soothes dry lips while locking in moisture, as well as helping heal cracked lips by protecting their protective layer and preventing further damage to it.

Coconut oil also boasts antibacterial properties to prevent infections from developing in any cracks on chapped lips, so apply a thin layer throughout the day for optimal lips! Apply coconut oil liberally throughout your day for moist and soft lips!

Ghee is an abundant source of vitamins A and other essential nutrients that can help heal dry lips. Additionally, its antioxidant content protects them against sun damage. You can use ghee on your lips daily as a natural moisturizer.


Honey has natural emollient and humectant properties, making it one of the best natural remedies for chapped lips. Furthermore, it boasts antibacterial and wound healing benefits and should be used three times daily to moisturize dry lips and avoid chapping in future.

Sugar scrubs made with raw honey can help remove dry skin on lips and other parts of the body, as their coarse granules act as mild exfoliators to gently exfoliate and help smooth chapped skin.

Applying a thin layer of Vaseline to your lips can also help protect them from drying out. Apply it twice or three times daily and leave on overnight.


Vaseline contains petroleum jelly which acts as an occlusive, locking moisture into your skin and helping soften dry, cracked lips quickly. Licking or biting your lips could make them even more chapped and inflamed, so be wary if this becomes an option!

Glycerine is another natural ingredient that can help hydrate lips. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water will keep the entire system hydrated from within out.

Coconut oil is another effective natural moisturizer with antibacterial properties that help fight off infection, while healing cracks and sores.

Green tea

Green tea offers numerous skin benefits and can also serve as a natural remedy for chapped lips. Apply a paste made of powdered green tea on the lips for several minutes to ease itching and dryness while simultaneously moisturizing them and providing needed hydration.

Honey and rose petals make an effective home remedy for chapped lips, both by providing nourishment and hydration, but also enhancing their color. Apply this combination directly onto lips as an additional home remedy. It will not only hydrate, but will also enhance their hue.

Alternative treatments include Nadi Sweda or herbal poultice fomentation to soothe chapped lips. You can use Madhyyashtyadi taila, made up of oils processed with Vata dosha-alleviating herbs like yashtimadhu, water lily, sarala devadaru and jyotishmati as well as Madhyyashtyadi taila to massage lips for vata dosha relief.

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter boasts both hydrating properties and antioxidant benefits, serving to seal in moisture to soothe dry lips. Plus, its vitamin A and E content make this natural remedy available daily! You can apply cocoa butter daily.

Cucumbers can also provide an effective home remedy for chapped lips. Their moisturizing water helps relieve irritation while moisturizing lips effectively – particularly effective during winter. You can apply cucumber directly onto your lips regularly as an effective home treatment solution.

Humidifiers can help ease symptoms associated with dry air, one of the primary sources of chapped lips. Furthermore, humidifiers can prevent dry skin on other parts of the body such as hands and face from appearing as well.


Cucumber is an effective natural remedy for dry lips. Packed full of vitamins and minerals that hydrate lips, cucumber is packed full of antioxidants essential for maintaining healthy skin, as well as water that hydrates lips naturally. Avoid salty or spicy foods which may dry out lips; excessive lip licking may also contribute. Finally, drink lots of water each day as well as using a humidifier at night for best results.

Sugar can also be used as a scrub for chapped lips, helping remove dry, flaky layers of skin and restore their natural color.