natural remedy for sore throat

An uncomfortable sore throat can be an everyday reality for anyone, whether caused by dry air, smoking, acid reflux or even bacterial infections such as strep throat.

As relief is available from natural sources, such as saltwater gargles, herbal teas and cough drops – there are ways you can alleviate your sore throat pain quickly and comfortably.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea offers numerous health advantages, from soothing sore throats to its abundance of antioxidants that can fight inflammation in the body and protect against chronic illnesses.

Peppermint can be an easy and safe way to treat sore throat symptoms, just by steeping some drops in hot water and drinking. Simply steep a few drops and enjoy!

Also, aromatherapy may help relieve tension headaches and migraines while simultaneously improving sleep and clearing sinuses to allow better breathing.


Garlic is an effective natural antibacterial and antifungal remedy, and may help soothe sore throat symptoms as well as prevent viral infections.

Allicin is garlic’s primary biological compound and works to block enzymes used by bacteria and viruses to worsen infections. Cooking destroys allicin, so eating raw crushed cloves (or other forms) of garlic is best.

Add chopped garlic to a mixture of honey and sugar for soothing relief from sore throats, according to Josephine Dlugopolski-Gach, M.D., an assistant professor of internal medicine and pediatrics at Loyola University Health System. This soothing syrupy slurry coats your throat while relieving itching, according to her recommendation.


Fenugreek (trigonella) can be an effective remedy for sore throats. It contains compounds which reduce inflammation while acting as both an anti-inflammatory and pain reliever.

Antibacterial properties make this plant useful in fighting infection and helping prevent future outbreaks. Soaking it in water prior to using as tea or tincture are also possibilities.

Before beginning taking a fenugreek supplement, make sure you consult with your physician first and discuss any potential interactions. Fenugreek supplements have been known to lower blood sugar levels among those living with diabetes while simultaneously decreasing pain associated with menstrual cramps.

Studies have also demonstrated its ability to stimulate breast milk production in lactating mothers; however, this should not be taken during pregnancy.

Steam Shower

Steam showers can be an effective natural remedy for sore throats. The hot steam generated in these showers helps open up your lungs, decrease inflammation and allow more oxygen into your system – providing relief from soreness.

Heat from vapour therapy helps clear away any mucus from your nose or throat, relieving congestion and preventing further irritation of airways. This treatment may prove especially useful to asthmatics as it not only alleviates symptoms but may even prevent an attack of respiratory illness.

Steam showers can also provide an effective natural remedy for those suffering from COPD or emphysema, two conditions which often result in breathing difficulties and discomfort.

Licorice Root

Licorice root is an herbal remedy that can be used to ease sore throat symptoms. Commonly added to water and gargled to reduce swelling and irritation, or added directly into tea for oral consumption, Licorice Root can also help provide soothing relief from sore throat symptoms.

Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of this tea may help soothe sore throat discomfort, while its increase in saliva production could provide soothing relief from soreness.

Some studies have revealed that Licorice root can protect the respiratory system and may even help to ward off colds; however, more research needs to be completed in order to confirm these claims.